Thursday, January 3, 2013

Three months in... and counting!

Yo wad' up...clearly my downtown lingo is becoming more fluent by the minute; and speaking of minutes / time...i have successfully made it through the first quarter!; and speaking of first seriously sometimes feels like I'm on the front lines, getting pummeled, of this ever growing football game/field...and speaking of football...good grief, I have never faced such passionate sports fans; I have quickly, and rather harshly, learned that having no opinion at all is viewed as the social equal to supporting the opposing team!!  Apparently, learning the "ins and outs" of football has been added to my orientation checklist, including the requirement to pick and root for a specific team (specifically the RAVENS)...and speaking of RAVENS, I can't decide if I really like them or not...and them, this time, refers to the literal bird - they kind of make me gag...they are a large, disgusting sect of flying vertebrates that, despite their awful face, are known to be pretty mixed emotions; but whatever... the argument really doesn't matter, it's pretty much for the birds...oh, and speaking of mixed emotions.... I was able to spend the last two weekends in CT (didn't really want to leave), which was totally awesome.  I am and will be forever grateful for family and friends!!  Both Christmas day and New Years day, I was able to enjoy splitting my time between 7 or 8 different household visits, enabling me to relish in the blessing of great company and good foooooood!!  To complete my HAPPY NEW YEAR festivities, I arrived back in Maryland, the evening of Tuesday December 1, 2013, only to be greeted by a four lane highway halted to a dead stop...10 miles in one hour !!; several new year's resolutions (be more kind, gentle, speak evil of no one, think pleasant happy thoughts, etc) were TOSSED RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW...literally; beep, honk, was probably as bad, or worse, than you are currently imagining... :) but despite this / these setback/s I arrived safely to the Inner Harbor in one piece, and dent free!!

Since getting back to work, I have been stationed at the Lifeline Pier 7 base, home to the ground trucks and helicopter.  The weather has been sunny, cool and crisp, making early morning vehicle checks seem like a bit  of past war time torture ..argggghhh, it was so cold in the patient compartment one morning, it was snowing....inside...bring out the portable heater puuuuhhhleeezzzz....duhhh :)  Nonetheless (I really just wanted to type that, the days have been beautiful and love where I both work and live.

Several weeks ago, my brother, his wife and their six little chillin's made the ground trek to HarborView!!! It was phenomenal...the kids were great and had a blast... We made good use of time by swimming, visiting the National Aquarium  watching a dolphin show, pigging out at the Cheesecake Factory and seeing a stunning light show at the nearby PowerPlant !!  Church was Philadelphia on Sunday, it was nice to connect and reconnect with some good friends...

As another years closes and another opens, I am ever reminded of and continue to become increasingly thankful for the gracious goodness, mercy and love of GOD, FAMILY AND FRIENDS !!

Until the next time...

love this.
thought this was good!!

N522ME STATMEDEVAC 10, EC 145 on the pier !!

N522ME STATMEDEVAC 10, EC 145 on the pier !!
I don't think I have ever worn a bow - tie before Monday night...
first time for; pretty schnazzzyyy!!!?

first ever (#imsure) glidescope intubation on a (simulated) difficult airway..
oh yeah.whose ure dadddy now - but seriously - pretty much a big deal !!


the FAM' you guys :)
sir, are those ALL seriously your kids....??!!!
no dude, we kidnapped a few on the way in....seriously #sillyquestion

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