Saturday, October 19, 2013

HAITI 2013

Bon Jou! (Good day!!) Heyyyy! (Ahhallloo!) What uppppp..!!

I find myself back on solid ground USA, after a life changing week in Haiti.  From October 4 to October 13, 2013, I was in Haiti, working with a medical mission team providing care to populations living around Bonne Fin, Sud (about 5 hours west of Port-Au-Prince).

There a very few words that can describe the sights, sounds, emotions and lasting memories of this trip.  Words of the late Carols Fuentes appropriately summarize the trip for me....

"culture consists of connections, not of separations..."

Day #1: Arrival to Haiti

Haitian coast / mountains - Landing in PAP
Black (PAP), Blue (final destination) = 4 - 5 hours

Waiting for the bus in PAP - TEMP 103 F +

street side markets

Tent cities on our way through PAP

the streets of Haiti - driving through PAP
The first (of many, many) gorgeous Haitian sunsets !!
Day #2: Church and Volleyball

the local MEBSH church - AMAZING !!
volleyball with the gang
post volleyball piano much fun!!

Day #3: Hospital and Clinic Preparation

Entrance to the "hospital of light"
Reviewing X-Rays
central nursing supply cart
teaching IV therapy to ER nurses
ER room #1 (traditional acute care room)
back up laboratory station (near pediatrics)
Dr. Lee reviewing orders with a Haitian ER nurse
ready for clinic day #1...!!
Day #4: Women's health clinic - La Biche (1 hour from hospital) - 120 patient's seen

screening tools....
acetic acid (vinegar), lugols, lubrication, speculum and, oh, yeah...gloves

table is ready...bring on the patient's!!

the ceiling of the clinic...

half-way through the day FACE
- 75 vaginal exams done and there are more...??! - 
all types...some patients walked as far as 3 hours to see us
nursing students and their "clinical instructor"....
im pretty sure they taught ME more that day, than I taught them...!!
the drive home...gorgeous

a welcome site, after a long day!!
Mona, our cook, totally rocked the Haitian cuisine
Day #5: Women's health clinic - Plaisance (2 hours from hospital) - 110 patient's seen

on our way...!!
 forging rivers to get to clinic...yehhhaaaah

 the Haitian speedbump

 the 700 AM
 patient registration
 makeshift exam table (EMS stretcher, stabilized by a chair)
one of my favorite nursing students...Jalean
 lunch...Haitian spaghetti !!

 A much needed lunch break...

 another gang of senior nursing students...AWESOME!!
Storm clouds moving in...lasted about 1/2 hour!

enjoying Haiti from mountainside lookout, after clinic
 Debbie and Bruce with Frantzou, our trusted translator
 Sunset on the drive home
Tour of Frantzou's house!!
Traditional and modern Haitian kitchen

Tour of Frantzou's house!!
the master bedroom
 Day #5 and 6: Hospital, Education, Outpatient clinic - about 70 patient's seen

hospital portico

morning rounds

Rounding on the ER patients...
it almost looks as if I am going bald...NOT YET??!
helping Dr. Sherri suture a wound in ER
no pre-medication and limited local anesthesia

Haitian kids, they love having their picture taken...clearly LOL!

Debbie, APRN, about to do another exam...!!


drying X-Rays for review

Entrance to the radiology department

Jimmy, the physical therapist
(high school diploma and a lot of ON THE JOB TRAINING)

 Jimmy's equipment...mostly donated

one of our pediatric patient' stinkin' cute!!

Our one NICU patient...doing very well!!

he would scoot around the hospital all day in his wheelchair
 - luv this little guy... -

the 12 lead ECG of a 6 year old patient we ended up shipping out
for a suspected endocarditis and cardiomegaly

the CXR of the same 6 year old patient (AP only)
 - sent to PAP / city hospital for ultrasound / ECHO - 

6 year old patient with endocardial disease
- such a tough little guy -

portable CXR

pretty hard to learn the language....LOL
The entire HL staff...such a great group of people!!

Overview of HL
Day #7 and 8: Rest, Relaxation and Tourism
our cook's daughter, true Haitian beauty
- she wanted to pose with her new hat - 

HAITI through the Cancer Redemption Project
an orphanage for Haitian children!! :)

traditional Haitian taxi

tropic vegetation...hard hat required!
coconuts are dangerous and very heavy (if fallen upon one's head)

Dinner with the hospital administrator

Typical missionary house

Local grocery store produce

AHHHH...finally, at last, our last HAITIAN meal !!

Waiting for flight at PAP, checking emails, voicemails, etc.
Back to reality, begins....NOW!