Thursday, November 29, 2012

Almost December....SERIOUSLYYYY??

hey there; sorry..I'm not sorry.. for the blogging hiatus; there was turkey, potatoes, stuffing, cranberries and WECKA (? spelling, but I think you get the point) to be devoured, family company to be endured (totally joking), and several days off from work and class to be enjoyed!!  These all seem to be perfectly good reasons to lay off the world wide web for a bit and enjoy a spell of R & R (a little bit of my inside Luella coming out).

Professionally, the past two weeks have been an enjoyable conglomerate of classroom lecture, simulation time and some actual, physical work!  If the amount of provided education correlates, in any way, shape or form, to the expectation of clinical care at the bedside.... then I believe there is adequate reason to be suffering from self-diagnosed ATP syndrome (Anxiety, Terror and Paranoia)!  This syndrome is temporarily relieved by the occasional humor injected into these presentations; ex. during our lecture on sedation, analgesia and paralysis, the presenter informs us that "occasionally, from East Baltimore, there are the patients that will pre-medicate themselves before a procedure"; and AMEN to that; because man, you see it all over the place down here...i thought open, day light recreational drug use was illegal; apparently that memo hasn't reached Baltimore yet?

On a lighter and personal note, the Mark Hoffman family celebrated its first thanksgiving on the Inner Harbor! Mom, Dad, Sister Deb and Little Louie arrived safely Wednesday night, after enduring the unwelcome company of I-95 traffic the whole way south...ugggh!  Thankfully, they had a nice place to unpack and unwind.  Apparently, a two bedroom place is still too small;;;; how did I end up on the couch again??? After enjoying a phenomenal meal, compliments to the mother and sister, the lazy, post turkey, afternoon commenced.  A what a commencing it was; seriously...some people's restful breathing borders on an aggressive airway management intervention; literally; i thought i was going to have to break out the intubation kit....good grief! #bettergetthatchecked

until the next time! :)

the view of a scholar....and a gentleman
p.s. look at 'dem shoes...those be runnin shoes, ya'll

the face of, de-energized,
double chinned yet hopeful Bruceellosis! ugggghhhh...
#cantwaittostuffmyface, #thankfulformomscooking

sunrise from the guest mothers favorite!
the executive chef's :)

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