Monday, July 1, 2013

An update!!

Hey!! What up....

Here I am again, about to write an apology for my lack in social blogging... but for purposes of boring redundancy, I'll spare you the wasted eye energy to read such...; and instead just dig right in..!!

I really, really, really dislike leaving home (CT) every time I visit....and with each trip it gets just a little bit harder to do; i thought homesickness was supposed to fade??! Not with this guy... I feel more connected to people and community there more than ever before.  As much as this move has been a huge experience in growth and development both personally and professionally, I feel like I leave a giant piece of my heart here every time I trek back to the Mid-Atlantic.  I'm not sure exactly the reasons for this, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with....well, I'll just let the pictures do the talkin'....!!

Luv this girl !! :) she knows how to steal her uncles heart...!!

OWEN!! this kid has a never ending supply of energy...luv him!
School is pretty much the same; I'm taking two classes in addition to finalizing my portfolio for FALL 13' submission.  One of the classes is a seminar in public / community health with associated clinical rotations.  I included a screen snapshot of a recent exam for this course....I think I can speak on behalf of the entire class when we say....lady, this exam is hard enough without having to interpret any misspellings!  If you are interested, I would be happy to share just how many possible words that conglomeration of letters could be!!  

The other summer course is a source statistics class.  Those of you that know my math skills can already take a wild guess at how this class is progressing....LOL! Someone shared this with me...and, with amazing accuracy, it pretty much sums up my generalized feelings on arithmetic  whatever the type.

Work is awesome!! Seeing, doing, and learning sooo much.  The networks, that an institution of this magnitude can develop, are incredible.  There is a never ending opportunity that is available to anyone that wants to seize it!

On the days that I work, I make an extra effort to see either the sunrise or sunset, or if by chance, both! I'm not sure what has gotten in to my system, and perhaps I should have it checked, but me and sunrises usually don't...uh, ever...ever, ever, ever, occur in the same sentence, same time frame, same life, etc, simply because I have never had the energy to get up that early (unless by some exertion of extraterrestrial force).  However, whatever it is, I have been able to enjoy some recent sunrise solitude and WOW...simply amazing.  The stunned silence that hangs over Baltimore city in the dawning moments is surreal.  The relevance of this picture will be clarified in the next picture...


In complete contrast to the peace pictured above, there has been a recent and tragic wave of violence in the tune of 35 documented homicides in an approximate 48 hour period!!  This also may be adding to my homesickness...I'm pretty sure that my hometown doesn't see 35 homicides in a decade, but none the less, it certainly is not a comforting statistic and does not, in any way, shape or form garner the "warm fuzzies" for downtown Industry City.  A quick walk through the ER / Trauma bay will only confirm what we hope is not true....


In fitting and hopeful summary..... a setting sun holds briefly over the Potomac!!


Until the next time...!!

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